
Our services

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is a generic term that covers a number of processes that allow us to ensure the best possible translation to our clients. This step is...

10 rules for getting the best price for translations

10 rules for getting the best price for translations

En traduction comme dans tous les autres domaines, plus votre projet est complexe, plus il est chronophage, et plus il est chronophage pour notre équipe, plus il coûtera cher.

Pour vous aider à y voir plus clair, vous trouverez ci-dessous 10 facteurs qui impactent le coût de votre traduction.

How a translation agency works

How a translation agency works

The inner workings of a translation agency can seem quite opaque to an outsider. This aura of mystery doesn’t work for us, so let’s see how TradOnline does business.

How TradOnline invoices clients

How TradOnline invoices clients

Today we will be talking about how TradOnline invoices its clients. When do we invoice our clients? In most cases, we invoice our clients once the...