Translation project
Your needs

Your needs are complex, and perhaps numerous
We’ve outlined here a (non-exhaustive) list of the principal language services that we offer, to give you a quick overview of our most common requests from our clients.
But if your specific requirements go above an beyond what we’ve outlined, don’t hesitate to contact us to see what solutions we can offer. We are always happy to take on new challenges that will allow us to adapt and expand on our practices.
The first discussion with your project manager will allow us to better understand the context of your project, your objective, and your specific constraints.
Translation is TradOnline’s core business
With experience acquired over the course of our many years in this business, we have progessively added new supporting services, always closely tied to our linguistic core business. We are therefore able to offer services covering the entire array of translation professions. Whatever your project, your language combination (English, German, Spanish, etc.) or your objectives, we are able to respond to your particular needs.
Did you know…
Translation is a discipline with a long and storied history. We can find some of the earliest traces on the tombs of Egyptian princes as far back as the 3rd millennium BC.
The word “translation”, which first appears in Middle English, comes from the Latin, “translatus”, meaning to carry over. Translation is thus the process of carrying a message between two people who don’t speak the same language, or to carry over a text from one language to another.