Skills & knowledge
Our translators

Our translators are committed
In a service relationship, such as that of translation, each actor (translation agency, translator) is an important link in customer relations, in its quality and longevity.
As the very essence of a quality translation agency is based upon the skills and knowledge of its translators, we hoped to explain that process to you here!
Our translation agency has always maintained a close working relationship with our translators. In fact, in 2013 we had even co-wrote a book with them: The World in Words, which spotlights 50 translators and their specific cultures.
Before we begin any collaboration with a translator, we jointly sign a service contract, and the translator also signs our personal Quality Charter.
All our translators are absolute professionals who exercise their art full time. Their skills have been confirmed through multiple projects led for TradOnline and, of course, they translate only into their native languages.
What’s more, most of our translators still live in their respective country of birth, which is a definite benefit when it comes to localizing content, such as websites.
Because every translator has their own specialties and each is predisposed to certain domains, we ensure that we assign the proper translator for your project, a translator with the right knowledge for your particular sector of activity.
We provide them with the right tools that allow them to optimize their time and it increase the overall quality of their translations, all the while making sure we optimize costs to offer you our best rates for your translation project.
Are you curious to know what, or rather who, is behind a translation project? We’ve taken the time to present a few of our most loyal translators.
If you yourself are a translator and would like to propose your services, we are always looking for new collaborations!
Who are our translators?

Italian / French / Portuguese
Websites, SEO

Spanish / French / English
Litterature, E-books

Portuguese / French / English / Spanish
Sworn Legal

French / English
Music, litterature

English / French / Spanish
Finance, Agri-food

French / English
Marketing transcreation